
Posts Tagged ‘rain’

It doesn’t rain often in the Las Vegas area, but when it does the desert comes alive. Yesterday afternoon the skies opened up and it started pouring. LW ran to the window and started begging to play outside – no umbrellas, please! I want to get wet! – so I threw his sweatshirt hood up, slipped on his Crocs (sorry Miss Attitude) and off we went into the backyard. 

While LW and the dog splashed in puddles, I played with the camera. I laid on the patio, I switched lenses, switched settings and had fun seeing what Herb (after the late Mr. Ritts, of course) was capable of.  Wow. I got some great shots!  I won’t bore you with all of my raindrops falling on the ground and puddles, but these are a few of my faves….

OK, ONE raindrops in the rocks picture….I promise there won’t be any more!


Catching raindrops…


Ferns need love too!


LW dancing and praying for more rain!


The kid has mad rain dancing skillz because it is STILL raining. The backyard is covered with puddles, it is cold and the house is filled with the smell of wet dog. Maybe we’ll go have a little more fun in the rain today!

Happy weekend!

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